Donate to Christ Covenant

God influences the world through his people. He gives to us so He can give through us. The Bible tells us that everything we have is a gift from God (1 Chronicles 29:14). As you give both faithfully and willingly, the world is changed for the glory of God: the gospel is preached, lives are touched, people are fed, bodies are healed, churches are built.

Just like any other credit card transaction, there is a processing fee. This fee is 2.75%. If you donate $100 to church via a credit card, we receive $97.50. At checkout, there is an option to add 2.75% to your donation - so if you wanted to donate $100 to church, the total charge would be $102.75. 

(The 2.75% processing fee DOES NOT apply to debit cards OR transfers from a checking account.)

If you have any questions about our how we use your gifts, please don't hesitate to contact us.